GotLearning Tips

gotFeedback Prompt Guide

Create effective gotFeedback AI prompts following the "Seven Keys to Effective Feedback" by Grant Wiggins for goal-focused, clear, actionable, and timely feedback.

To receive good useable feedback from gotFeedback, you need to create specific prompts. Using the "Seven Keys to Effective Feedback" by Grant Wiggins, we have put together advice on how to create effective prompts for gotFeedback to provide the desired feedback you want.

  1. Goal referenced: Your gotFeedback prompts should always be tied to specific learning objectives or goals for your students. This means that you need to identify the learning outcomes you want to achieve from the writing task and the specific skills you want to assess. For example, if you're teaching persuasive writing, you might want to focus on the students' ability to create a clear thesis statement and use evidence to support their arguments.
  2. Tangible and transparent: Your prompts should be specific and clear enough that students know exactly what you're asking them to do. Instead of asking gotFeedback for "general feedback," consider using prompts that ask for specific feedback on a particular aspect of the writing, such as "Please provide feedback on the organization of the essay."
  3. Actionable: Your prompts should give students concrete suggestions for how to improve their writing. For example, instead of saying "This paragraph needs work," provide specific feedback like "Consider adding a topic sentence to introduce the main idea of the paragraph."
  4. User-friendly: Your prompts should be written in language that is appropriate for your students' age and skill level. Use simple, clear language and avoid jargon or overly technical terms that might confuse your students.
  5. Timely: Provide feedback promptly, ideally within 24-48 hours of receiving the writing assignment. This will help students remember what they were trying to accomplish and be more receptive to feedback. Using a platform that is student-centered helps immensely.
  6. Ongoing: Feedback should be an ongoing process throughout the writing process, not just at the end. Consider asking for feedback at various stages of the writing process, such as before drafting, after drafting, and before finalizing the writing.
  7. Consistent: Use consistent prompts and criteria for feedback across all students to ensure fairness and reliability. Consider creating a rubric or checklist to help you and your students stay on track.

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